Art One Final

1) I believe that my most successful project this semester was the clay tile because I have learned how to mix colors and and make better texture throughout the semester. The background could use a little more detail than I put into it, but the texture and color on the log and leaves make up for the boring blue background. Even though this project wasn't one of my favorites I still think it turned out best and since we spent most time on it I think it turned out much better than all of my other projects. If I could do over some of the pieces to make them more 3D than the project would have been a lot more successful. I showed good examples of the color scale in my leaves and log. I could have made some of the colors darker in the shadows but I think I did good on emphasizing where the light is. I put most time and effort into this project than I did any other project and that is another reason it was most succesful. I used the x-acto knife for everything because it was easiest to make the small details with that and every cut came out much smoother.

2) The project that I grew most from was the self protrait because I learned a lot about drawing and shading. I didn't really like this project all that much, but it did make me a much better drawer and helped me with making my drawings look a lot more realistic. Since the shadowing in the original picture made it hard to tell what you were actually drawing it made us all have to assume what was on the darker side and that really helped me develop as a drawer since I was free handing most of it. Using just a picture of them also made it much more difficult than if we were looking right at the person because in a picture you can't see all of the details that you can see in real life. When I first came into Art 1 I knew that I wanted to get better at drawing because that is what I am worst at and after finishing the portrait I could really tell how much better my drawing ability had become. With all of the prep and warm-ups we did it helped me to eventually create a more complex drawing like the one above. Comparing this drawing to all of my older drawings you can tell how many more art techniques I put into this one rather than using no technique at all. I think that I have developed as an artist even more after this drawing but this was still one of my better pieces.
 3) The one piece of Art that I used skills from previous projects was the game perspective drawing/painting. We first learned how to make two point perspective boxes and one point hallways which I incoparated into this project. Then I also used color scale with the colored pencils and water color mixure to make some spots darker and some spots lighter. Before learning about two point perspective I would have never known how to make a flat board look like it was popping out at you. With the flat Monopoly board it made me work a lot harder than I would have to if I picked a piece that was already three dimensinal. Putting the use of horizon lines and vanishing points into a project other than just drawing boxes and hallways made learning about it much more fun. We also learned that we can use two point perspective a lot more than we think and it can be put into a lot of every day life objects. Over all I really enjoyed the project.
4) The project that was least important in learning the concepts taught in this course was the cup art. The cup art didn't use any texure, drawing, clay, shading, or paint. All we had to do was print out a picture and turn into a face made of cups. The cup art project was probably my least favorite project too.We had really no say in what we were making either because we were chosen into our groups and what we were making was already chosen. There was really no way to reflect or learn from this project. One thing that I liked about the project was it was a change of pace from drawing which we had been doing for a while. I think that it would have been a more enjoyable project if we planned it out better and learned more technique.

5) My stencil spray painting reflected me as an artist most because it allowed you to reflect on something that you like. The freedom in this project allowed us to make it more of our own rather than following specific directions and being told what were suppose to draw or make. Being able to make a stencil of Bob Marley expressed who I am and made my stencil different from everyone else's. I have a personal connection to this piece of art the most because it's the kind of music that I like to listen to and who I personally like as an artist. In most of the other projects we were told a subject or object that we had to base our art work off of. With the stencil we were just told to make what we wanted which made it much more enjoyable and reflective. The only thing that limited this project was the fact that we didnt have many color choices to choose from when spray painting. I wish that I could have seen the final outcome of it though.

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